Rockefellers Scenarios
There are four scenarios outlined in the report “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” by The Rockefeller Foundation. Each represents a distinct vision of the future based on different combinations of factors such as technological development, economic trends, and social dynamics. Here are brief descriptions of them:
Lockstep: This scenario explores a future where a pandemic triggers a rapid and far-reaching response from governments, leading to increased surveillance, restrictions on individual freedoms, and significant social and economic changes.
Clever Together: In this scenario, a spirit of innovation and collaboration prevails. Global businesses and institutions work together to address pressing issues, and technological advancements are leveraged to solve problems. International cooperation and shared solutions lead to a more positive and equitable global future.
Hack Attack: This scenario envisions a world where concerns about security and economic inequality dominate. In the absence of effective cooperation, technological innovation is driven by those with the resources to pursue their own interests. The result is a fragmented and contentious global landscape.
Smart Scramble: This scenario explores a world in which economic and environmental crises force countries and communities to prioritize resilience and sustainability. Localized solutions and adaptive strategies become essential as nations work independently to address their unique challenges.